Happy Independence Day!

Today is the day of celebrating independence from Great Britain for the freedom of speech, of religion and of beliefs. It’s a day of celebrating the freedom we have and the people who has gone before to keep that freedom. One of the great things about America is the freedom of belief, freedom from persecution of believing a certain way. So grateful for how far we have come but know praying and speaking out is so important to continue to have freedom and equality for ALL. 

There is also freedom in who we place our lives in and for me my freedom is in Christ Jesus.

 “But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom”  1 Corinthians 3:16-17


When we truly experience all of the love and freedom God gives and the veil of the lies we have been told are taken away it’s life changing! I am so thankful to live in a country where I can share about my faith and not have persecution because of it. I hope today you can take some time to thank God for the freedom we have in Him and the sacrifice He gave in His son Jesus Christ. Thank you to those who have served to keep our freedom and who are serving now. To those who have lost a loved one who fought for our freedom, praying you have a day of celebrating their sacrifice and the freedom they were able to keep for each one of us.


How did you spend your 4th of July? What does 4th of July mean to you? 

Would love to hear from you all! 


Happy 4th of July! He has truly set us free!  

P.S. Next year for fourth of July I will be in Spain, crazy to think about but thankful to be able to spend this year with family and family friends