A whole new world emerged from the time that I stepped foot into the offices of Adventures In Missions for
World Race Training Camp 2007.
  This was the first time our team was together to experience living out of a hiking backpack,

sleeping on the floor, in a tent, and on a squirrel’s nest.
  Days were filled with seminars, teachings, prayer sessions, drime practice, counseling times and practical trip training.
  Nights were spent dreaming big dreams of where God is sending us, The World Race June 2007 Team.
  I have to say that overall it was a powerful, life changing two weeks. 


One key thing I learned over these past two weeks was the power of story more so, the Art of Storytelling.
   As I sat at the feet of Great & Mighty Storytellers, listening to tales from around the world I had a revelation; a point of clarity where God painted a clear pictures of my “story”.
   God is the author of life, and he is using me to tell a story to those whose paths I cross.
  I began to see the foreshadowing taking place to prepare for this race around the world.
  God began to walk me through my life, the trials and pains that I barely made it through, the joys and triumphs that I love to re-live.
  He opened my eyes to the strength that I gained from walking the through the desert as my career began to spin downward and I lost my job.
  He showed me how being in a family unit with my sister and brother-in-law and their four children has prepared me to live in a community of seven, to break my heart of the children around the world whom I will love as I do my nieces and nephews, and to be ok eating PB & J five days a week. I saw people who have inspired and lead me to be more of the woman that God has created me to be.
  In the end, I came to the point where I knew that even amidst the gravity and magnitude to this year, God has chosen me to be a character in the story of this race around the world.
  Stay tuned in for episode 1…


“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
  Jer. 29:11