The World Race has taught me a variety of lessons, for instance how to hand wash my clothes in a bathtub, bucket, or even the bathroom sink to learning to cook over an open fire. There have also been the lessons of loving everyone I meet with the Love of Jesus from your taxi driver to the orphan children: On a more personal note, to be dependent upon My Savior for all things and to run to Him first in the good and bad times.

This year really is about discovering who God has made me and what He has called this daughter of His to be. I am in awe and wonder of the Mighty King of the Universe. He truly is in control of all things and he has the best in store for His beloved children. Living in this community of the World Race, I am able to see the hands of God as we learn to share everything, and take care of one another’s needs. It is great to see this concept of community within the body of Christ first hand.

The other main area where I am learning to be completely dependent is the area of financial support. I have removed myself from the opportunity of making an income to support myself in order to allow GOD to provide all my needs. This is a very difficult task. I often feel helpless and useless because I cannot do anything about it but trust that the money I need to buy toothpaste or the support I need to raise will be provided because God is taking care of things.

I have been led back to Matthew 6: 19 – 34 many times over the last few months. Please read that section yourself but here are a few main points

#1 – Your treasure is in heaven not on earth. The things that are really important have no monetary value, like faith, salvation, GRACE, and the Kingdom of God. These are the things to cling to!

#2 – Don’t worry! We spent a good deal of time in Africa hearing Hakuna Matatta “No Worries” (yes it’s your cue to start singing The Lion King soundtrack). Jesus clearly states that if he is going to take care of the sparrows and the lilies, making them more beautiful than a king, He will surely take care of your daily needs. So relax and let God do what He promises.

I have seen this promise be fulfilled over and over again this year. In fact just a week ago, I was running out of toothpaste, deodorant, and my personal spending money has been really tight. I had no clue how I was going to be able to keep fresh breath. The day I ran out of toothpaste we arrived in Bangkok to an office full of packages from home. I had two joyful boxes awaiting my arrival. What do I find in the…toothpaste, deodorant, and a plethora of other goodies. Thank you to those who sent a box of joy – mission accomplished!

I am currently low on my support, but I am confident that God will provide all that I need and more. The World Race cost $13,000 dollars, a total that must be met before the year is up, and throughout the year we are given deadlines. We are aproching the Nov.1st deadline of $9000 in my account. I still need $700 to meet that goal. If He is encouraging you to be a part of His plan to support me I am more than grateful and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for being obedient to the voice of God. To learn more about how to support me on this journey please click on the red link “Support Me” to the left of the screen.

May the King and Creator of all things bless you over and above your daily needs. May He hear the deep longings of your heart and fill you with the joy of abundant life that only He can provide.