Half Way Around the World –

We have made it to a major milestone in the life of a world racer – HALF WAY!
We have seen some amazing things, experienced the power and watched God move in incredible ways. But it’s not over, in fact we are asking ourselves major questions to be sure we don’t finish now or coast through the remaining months.

Let’s recap the 1st six months:

· June 5th we are stuck in Atlanta, GA unable to leave the country.

· Swaziland opens the door to this adventure, welcomed by our now deeply loved friends on the January A&B squads, and the beloved AIM Debrief Leadership.

· Then we’re marching…on to South Africa for Kid’s Camp.

· Some time to wander in the deserts of Botswana and life, as we search deeper and push harder into God.

· Thailand broke our hearts for the sex trade and the human trafficking crisis around the world.

· Cambodia fills us with HOPE for a brighter future as a country rising from the ashes of terror and destruction.

· And finally half way = Hong Kong and a sad goodbye. We say so long to our family on the January Squads, mixed with emotions of excitement and sadness and anticipation. We jump up as the leaders of this “Race”, refreshed and empowered to see God do more than we could ever dream or imagine.