our final debrief (we fly home this FRIDAY! crrazy!) The year has been
amazing, but i will save all those details for my next blog. The
purpose of this blog is so show how huge/powerful my God is.

my friends Sarah, Rubie, Rachel and myself headed over to 7/11 to get
some late night snacks. Rach was the first one to head out of the store
and we noticed across the street a man
and a women falling to the ground. It was obvious that they had been
drinking and were a bit tipsy, but their clumsyness had cause a bit of
a rucus. The girl had apprently hit her shin really really hard which
caused a decent size lump to appear. She was mostly surrounded by
drunk men and Rach went over to check to see if everything was okay. So Sarah, Rubie and I headed over as well. Her leg looked bad, almost as though her shin bone could have been broken, but regardless there was a huge bump there. The young Thai girl was crying. As Rachel leaned over she put her slushy on the woman’s leg to function as ice to help relieve some of the pain. I knew we needed to pray. “On earth as it is in heaven” and surely there are no broken bones and bumps in heaven. So we layed hands on her and prayed to Jesus asking for healing. I prayed that God would mend back together the bones that were broken and heal her. Just a really simple prayer which without a doubt I knew God was going to heal her! When we finished praying I looked down at her leg where Rachel still had her slushie. The bump and broken bone was healed. Her leg was back to normal!!!!! It was incredible! One of the drunk men there continued to massage her leg, trying to help and the woman was just like, “no, it’s good.” And clearly it was nothing less than a miracle from God.