Mozambique is a beautiful country and God is continually at work through individuals who have devoted their lives to His call.  However, Mozambique is also a country of corruption and witchcraft.  Many children are orphaned and education is considered a privilege, not a right.  With no positive parental influence, teenagers often end up on the streets or living in large group homes, never learning how to become self-sufficient adults. 


This month, my team is working with Beacon of Hope – Africa, a ministry that brings teenage boys into a home and provides education, discipleship and life skills training. Every day, they hear about God’s love and learn how to become productive members of society.  The boys are expected to use their initiative and new skills to find jobs upon graduation – they do not receive handouts.  


January is the start of a new school year and 10 boys will soon be moving back into the Hope House.  Beacon of Hope is currently in need of around $15,000 worth of supplies and maintenance before the boys return – and there are only a few weeks left before they arrive!


This Christmas, give a gift that will further the kingdom.


Below is a list of gifts that are needed.  Consider giving a gift to Beacon of Hope in honor of a friend of family member (names will be listed on the website as a thank you).  No wrapping paper necessary!

You can be a blessing to a Mozambican teenager in need of love in just a few simple steps.  Remember, we can't do this without you.  

  1. Select the gift(s) you would like to donate from the list below.
  2. Total up the cost of the gifts.
  3. Click here to donate online.
  4. The page will open to "Angie Wheeler – Special Project."  In the comments section list the gift(s) you are providing the funds for and the name of the person (or family) being honored by the gift.

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