Today, I am saying hello to my 19th year here on earth! This year will bring many new adventures and an incredible amount of change to my life.
—>  I vow to making this my best year yet  <— 
I put together a few things that I would like to focus on for the next year, in hopes that I will make them a part of my regular routine and life. This is just a fun little post on my birthday as I’m getting ready to leave for launch in just six days!!!!! I will be posting again before I leave for my first country, so stay tuned! (:
19 Things to do my 19th year:
1. Spend more time with Jesus — because I NEED Him
2. Get out of my comfort zone — because this is where I’ll grow the most
3. Tap into my adventurous spirit — because adventure is waiting for me
4. Be creative — because there is freedom in it
5. Live in the moment — because that is where God placed me & it’s for a reason
6. Be willing to move — because God WILL ask me to do things & I need to be willing to do them 
7. Be brave & do things that scare me — because I refuse to let fear rule over me
8. Be true to myself — because why would I not? Life is too short to be someone else
9. Drink GOOD coffee — because, again, life is just too short. 
10. Listen to better music — because I just need some better tunes
11. Lead a simple life — because I don’t need everything
12. Choose joy every morning — because life will give me a million reasons to not be joyful 
13. Be an encouragement to others — because people need that & it brings me joy too
14. Love EVERYONE  — because it’s what I’m called to do & I love to love people
15. Take care of my body better — because I only get one & I need it!
16. Use better words – because “lovely” & “darling” deserve to be used more often
17. Be generous & kind — because it is good
18. Smile more — because I love to & it makes me happy
19. And…get a tattoo — because I want one 
Much love, 