Hi friends! Welcome to the journey that I will be embarking on this summer, but technically it has already started 🙂

First things first, we need to know how I got here. Some friends (4 actually) told me that they could see me going on the World Race. Little did I know about the World Race because I thought they were talking about the Amazing Race- you know that tv show where you do crazy obstacles around the world and hope you don’t arrive at the destination last so you won’t be eliminated. Yeah- well it’s not that. So, after I had that realization, it’s how I found this program by Adventures in Missions by World Race. 

Anywho! “Here I am; send me.” Long story short that is how I got here. I have been on a journey where I have been learning that it is not my will but thy will be done. Basically, I am ready to be sent into what He has planned for me. 

This summer I had plans made according to what I think I should do, and I had a rude awakening when I found out that I had the wrong intentions. It is through that awakening that I had come to terms that I cannot do what my plans consisted of, so I recentered my plans on His ways, and this is what it lead me to!

Africa! Yes, even during this midst of uncertain times with covid, I am still going. Try telling Him “No” and He will show you that not everything will go your way or He will tell you a BIG, “I told you so.” So, I stepped out in faith, and this is where it has landed me. 

So, why Africa? For the longest time, I have known that I was supposed to go to Africa. Every time I’ve had the chance to go, I never got to go. Now I see this as God working. It simply wasn’t my time to go, yet. So now you might be wondering “Why now?”. Well, like I told you earlier, not my will but thy will. Something about Africa was just a gut feeling of peace. I cannot place my finger on it, but all I am given is this feeling of confirmation in faith. Therefore, that is what I am doing: stepping out in faith. 

Well, I hope you enjoyed this short snippet of what is happening in my life and how I got here!