Hello from South Africa!!

We are currently on day 4 of traveling to our ministry location in Lesotho. I wanted to give you guys a quick update since I probably will be off the grid this month.

We finished up our time in Panama last week and have been together as a squad traveling to Africa ever since. C-squad has gotten their first glimpse at lengthy travel days, which have looked like: our first plane being delayed for 10 hours, getting a free night in a fancy hotel, a quick flight to Florida, a long flight to Dubai, a medium flight to Johannesburg, and now we are at a church near the Lesotho border as we figure out the rest of our transportation. It’s been a few days for the books, that’s for sure!

This month I will be with 2 teams in a village in Malealea, Lesotho. We will be living in an extremely rural location in the valley. This means that we will have quite limited access to internet and electricity this month. While in Malealea we will be walking to neighboring mountain villages to meet, evangelize, encourage, and offer discipleship to the locals. We will also spend time serving at our host site by doing things like cleaning, cooking, painting, etc. I’m really looking forward to this month and immersing ourselves in the African culture.

Near the end of the month I will be leaving early to meet with the leadership team in South Africa. We will spend time together prepping for our next debrief at the end of the month.


Fundraising update:

The Lord has provided $4,900 in funds so far! That means I only need $1,600 left until I’m FULLY FUNDED. I’m praying big prayers that I’ll reach my final goal by February! I have an ongoing raffle fundraiser to help provide funds, which you can read about here. I ask that you will prayerfully consider financially partnering with me during the new year. Know that if the Lord is asking you to donate, your investment goes beyond just me. It allows me continue serving and discipling the 20 women on the squad, and it makes reaching the unreached possible. If you would like to make a tax deductible donation to my mission work click the “donate” link on the left.

Thank you for your continued support. Love and miss you all!