Welcome to my blog! 

Whether I know you super well or we are strangers, I’m glad you’re here!  This blog is where I will update y’all on everything going on over the next year and a half.  First thing to know: I’m new at this whole blog thing, so give me grace! 



I am a 2014 Baylor grad with a degree in education, sic ‘em.  I am fairly introverted.  I’m addicted to coffee.  I’m competitive and I can’t help it.  Any shade of green is my favorite color.  I have 2 older sisters.  I love playing and watching sports.  Cowboys, Rangers, and Spurs are my teams.  I get a lot of life out of exploring outdoors in God’s creation.  I could eat tacos and burritos every day of the week. 



I grew up in a loving home in Austin, Texas.  I’m what some people call a cradle Episcopalian, which just means I was baptized in an Episcopal church as a baby and have stuck around for about 24 years.  I had a pretty great childhood with parents that always encouraged me to live out my faith.  When I got to college I was lucky to be in a community of people who pushed and challenged me to stretch my faith.  I did an insane amount of growing my freshman year.  During college I went on a mission trip to South Africa, and my heart was changed after that.  I knew that I would do more overseas missions one day.  I was also heavily involved in an episcopal summer camp all throughout college.  This was the place where I learned how much fun serving our Father can be, and that it’s so much more than just meeting the expectations on a check list. 

During all of this time of growing was when I found out about the World Race.  I was immediately interested, but put it off as something I would do sometime in the future.  Long story made short, the idea of going on this mission trip kept popping up over the next 3 years.  I continued to tell myself that right now wasn’t the right time.  I finally realized that there is never going to be that “perfect time” in my life to leave everything behind for a year.  I also knew I would never feel prepared enough, perfect enough, spiritual enough, *fill in the blank* enough to serve Father in this way.  I just have to go for it.  I know that God has called me to go on this trip, so I have to trust that He will equip me with everything I need.  


“Now may the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever.  Amen.”  –Hebrews 13:20-21


I look forward to sharing this experience with each of you.  If you have any other questions feel free to contact me!