We woke up today  in Calcutta, India in a hostel that is not the Ritz Carlton…some of my teamates and I have decided it used to be an insane asylum.  I want to give you all a little “tour” of my day.
My team woke up and went to breakfast and then decided to walk around to find ministry opportunities and get acquainted with the ccity a little bit.  We found out that Calcutta is the second largest city in the world so we barely made a dent even though we walked for 3 hours! 
As we walked around the city I saw more homeless people I have seen in my life.  Entire families live on the streets…mothers with their babies laying right beside them.  We also stumbled uponMother Theresa’s orphange where many people can volunteer.  We got a tour of the orphange and we are going back tomorrow to check it out more.  Another thing we stumbled upon was Mother Theresa’s home and grave sight.  One of the things that I loved was seeing and reading about how much Mother Theresa loved Jesus.  She completely got the whole love God, love people idea, that is the only thing that matters.  The thing that made me so sad was seeing people worshipping HER, not God.  They kiss her statues hands and pray to her.  My team and I were talking and decided that she is up in heaven telling God, “I swear, God, I told them about You”.  
All in all, India has been a great experience.  I am so excited for what is to come and the ministries we are going to be involved with.  Keep me and my team in your prayers as we continue learning and experiencing more of this culture.