Hey all!! I have my computer back and have somewhat regular internet access! We have spent the last month in mainland China. I don’t know if I can adequately describe to you what we did, so I thought I would let you see in pictures.
In the city we worked in, my team helped do a lot of manual labor and food preparation. I tried to pick out some of the most interesting pictures from the month. I hope you enjoy!
Me and Abby excited about being in Hong Kong
Our first Race Day….we didn’t lose but we really didn’t win!
Travel Day! Headed into Mainland China!
We made cornhole for the people we worked with!! They loved it!
Me and Laura before we went out for a night on the town!
On the train to Bejing. I was on the third bunk…it was quite the adventure!
Laura, me and Jess in Tiananmen Square! We had bought out caps the night before at a Market. I bought mine because it made me laugh!
My team on top of the Great Wall!!
The Great Wall goes on forever!!!
Me and Cara on Thanksgiving!
This was just some of my month. I hope you enjoyed just some of the pictures.
Love you all and hope to hear from you soon! I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and thank you for your continued love and support!