Hi everybody my name is Audrey.  I’m twenty-one years old and I live in Marion, Ohio in the same house I’ve lived in my entire life.   Our house is mostly surrounded by corn fields so I’m definitely a country girl.  I became a Christian when I was four years old after my grandfather passed away but I didn’t become more serious about it until three or four years ago and I’ve gone to the same Christian and Missionary Alliance Church my whole life.  I have two wonderful parents who I’m living with right now.  My younger brother Luke also lives with us, he’s eighteen and an awesome drummer.  I also have an older sister who is married and lives in Georgia with her husband.  My grandparents live close by and my grandma is my prayer partner and best friend.   The world race will definitely be a new experience for me because I’ve never been out of the U.S. before and I’ve never been away from my little green house in the corn fields for more than a week but I know God will help me adjust.

Hmmmm….how about some random facts…
-I looove to sing!  Music is a big part of my family, my parents met in college where they were both music majors so I get it honestly.  Inside our house sort of resembles a music store at times….two pianos, a drum set, violen, guitar, and clarinet….and it isn’t a very big house. ๐Ÿ™‚
-I also love animals…unfortunately my parents don’t share this enthusiasm so the only pet I have is a cat…if I had it my way it would be a zoo around here. ๐Ÿ˜›
-The place I am most looking forward to going on our trip is Israel.  I’ve always felt a strong pull to the place where my Savior walked the earth.
-I currently work two jobs: one at a Christian daycare with little children who are a lot of fun some days and other days give me muscle spasms in my eyelids, and the other working in the kitchen of a retirement home.
-In the past I’ve also worked at McDonalds, in a hospital cafeteria, in a tea house, a diaper factory, and a washing machine factory.
-I’ve only had one quarter of college.
-Some of my favorite things are: butterflies, hummingbirds, dill pickles, fruit smoothies, the stars, and being near large bodies of water(well actually I’ll settle for small ones too like ponds…I just like to look at water…it’s pretty fascinating).
-I’m a shy person when I first meet people, but after I get to know people I become a lot louder.
Well thanks for reading about me.  I’m really looking forward to meeting all of you and going on the race together!

This is one of my most favorite songs ever by Future of Forestry.  The pictures are pretty cool too. ๐Ÿ™‚