“You are the light of the world-like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.” Matthew 5:14-16

Hey y’all!” As they say in the South, or as we would say in the North, “Hey you Guys!” As many of you read this, I am sure this trip I’m about to embark on may be coming as a surprise! I think no one is more surprised than I am! A couple months ago I thought I had my life planned from A-Z. Go to Graduate College, get my Masters, graduate college, get a job, make money, pay back my school loans, live happily ever after! However, as always, God saw the bigger picture He was meticulously drawing out as the true author of our stories.

Finishing Grad school and immediately finding an amazing job as a Clinical Dietitian at a local hospital in Louisiana was a dream come true! My coworkers are amazing and I have been able to apply my gift of serving others day after day at the hospital. Though that fulfilled me, I still thirsted for more, unsure of what exactly that was until drawing closer to God through trials in my life. He started reminding me of my passion for missions, serving others, and more recently, being a light in the darkness. Being able to do all those things while traveling to 11 countries! Bonus! Thank you God! All while being able to share the love of God, through His word, through my life experiences, the grace and mercy He has shown me, what a blessing and responsibility!

I’ve had moments of, “Why now?” I didn’t understand why I wasn’t being called to serve in my local area until I heard my Pastor speak on the verse above. He said, and I’m paraphrasing, that people in America have no excuse to not know the love of Christ, they are not the real lost. America has the opportunity but is caught up in worldy possessions of wealth, status and idols. Doing missions work over seas is where you will find the true lost, those who have no opportunity to hear the word of God. To them you have to be the light in their darkness. I may not be able to fully understand the “why now?” and see how God has it planned out, but I know enough in my faith to be obedient. To stop asking questions and to listen to the Holy Spirit speaking to me to simply say, “yes Lord, I will go, send me.”

Though my Christian walk has been anything but perfect, God has used all my weaknesses, all my trials, all my insecurities, to strengthen me, grow me, and prepare me for this trip! How exciting! To quote one of my favorite artists, Bethel Music “I’m no longer a slave to fear, I am a child of God.” I do not place my hope, my success, my strength, my faith in my career, family, friends, belongings, or cat. I am a child of God. I am “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14) and will lay down MY written plans for my life for His, to be the light in the darkness, to bring glory and praise to his heavenly name, Yaweh.