Love can cross oceans, and in this case to 11 countries! I am on Route 3 of the 6 trips leaving in January 2016 through the World Race. My team and I will be in a new country each month of the trip! I’m not sure about the exact travel route of the trip yet, but following are the planned countries of travel! If anyone has any questions or wants to know more information, please don’t hesitate to call, text, email, snail mail or facebook!
January 2016 World Race Route 3
Serve five months in Latin America, then head to Eastern Europe and East Africa, including one of the Race’s newest countries, Ethiopia!

Costa Rica
Costa Rica is a hot spot for surfing and just enjoying “pura vida” – literally, “pure life”, it’s a concept of a “chill,” relaxed, laidback way of life. The beautiful beaches that line both coasts are the perfect setting. Among the Central American countries, Costa Rica (“Rich Coast”) lives up to its name. While the natural beauty attracts lots of tourists, there are still large pockets of poverty and family brokenness. Because of its relative affluence, Costa Rica also draws in immigrants from neighboring countries, like Nicaragua, who don’t fare much better than they did before. You might help feed their physical and spiritual hunger – and discover other creative ways to give new meaning to the concept of “pura vida.”

This location is always a World Race favorite. It’s a country full of wonderfully warm and caring people, and participants always leave having had a powerful experience. However, hopelessness, addictions, destitution, and poverty still plague the many lives of Nicaragua. There are orphans who have grown up without knowing the love of a parent and families who get by each day by scrounging scraps from the city dump where they have made their homes. In Nicaragua, you’ll have the opportunity to bring God’s love through slum ministry, door-to-door outreach, outreach to children, and more.

“Hondo” comes from the Spanish word for depth and there’s lots of depth to Honduras. It’s home to the Aztec and Mayan civilizations, whose ruins are still stand. Honduras is mostly mountainous and the weather’s as tropical as it gets. What really runs deep in Honduras are its needs. Honduras is the third poorest in the region, after Haiti and Nicaragua. Like her neighbors, Honduras has had her of share political/military troubles, e.g., the six-month constitutional crisis in 2009. There’s a need to reach out to the youth, not just to keep them out of trouble (e.g., gangs) but for them to know their worth and that they’re loved.

Bolivia is one of the most beautiful places in the world. It’s also one of the most indigenous countries in South America; the current president is the first indigenous people group member in office. And with all of that variety comes a lot of opportunity. Bolivia is in need of orphan ministry, evangelistic outreach, church plants, and more. You might find yourself working in the heart of the rainforest or on the streets of a city market. Regardless, be prepared for a fantastic experience.

Because Chile stretches the length of South America, it is home to an impressively varied climate, from the world’s largest desert in the north to Patagonia in the south. It is a country rich in history, culture and the arts. But Chile still struggles with traditionalism. Attempts for long-term growth in the church has resulted in more formal religion that is often without the spiritual gifts or true revival. You could be the visual representation of the changing work of Christ in you.

Formerly a part of Yugoslavia, this country has been through it. Under Slobodan Milosevic, ethnic Albanians living in Kosovo, now an independent nation, were either displaced or killed. After Milosevic, things haven’t improved much. Here, too, organized crime and human trafficking are issues. In a place where the people seem to be leaving in droves, your presence will help bring about the redemption God wants to give them from their broken past.

The Republic of Kosovo just recently declared its independence in 2008, after centuries of ethnic conflict. Formerly part of the Communist Yugoslav state of Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Macedonia; when the socialist republic dissolved in 1992, it preceded a decade of guerilla warfare where over 800,000 ethnic Albanians fled their homes. With recent history a close memory and the majority of the population divided by both blood and beliefs (Islam, Serbian Orthodox, and Roman Catholicism), tensions remain high. Your ministry this month will be to share the hope and healing of Jesus Christ in a land desperate for peace.

The northern regions of Romania are home to the gypsy community. Though strangers in their homeland and forgotten by society, the gypsies are a strong and vibrant people who embrace the light of Christ in an inspirational way. Here, you will teach English, lead sports camps, live life with the gypsies, and more. It will be an exciting time of learning about a people group you may not have known even existed.

With a deep religious tradition and a population of diverse faith, Ethiopia carries a rich history and was one of the earliest countries to accept Christianity. Located north of Kenya on the Horn of Africa, Ethiopia boasts deserts, mountains, and tropical forests, and is the largest producer of coffee in the world. But as the modern world expands, Ethiopia struggles. Rural villages remain isolated, in many areas without clean water or access to markets. As many people move to the cities hoping for a better life, the country’s ability to provide basic services is strained. Ministry in Ethiopia is as diverse as its people. You might serve street kids in the city, helping them find shelter, food, and the love of Jesus, or you might preach the gospel and encourage the growing church in rural areas.

Many who hear “Rwanda” immediately think, “genocide” – it was 16 years ago when 800,000 people were killed over the course of about three months. According to the U.S. State Department, Rwanda (once colonized by France) has the highest population density in sub-Saharan Africa; and like much of sub-Saharan Africa, this nation also is fighting hard against HIV/AIDS. This nation played a part of the genesis of this human rights organization and inspired this song; as you help bring healing to a country still recovering from this deep wound, God may birth a dream or vision in you…

Once a kingdom and British protectorate, for most of the later half of the 20th century, Uganda was under military rule, first under Idi Amin, the subject of the film The Last King of Scotland. Much of northern Uganda was also troubled by the Lord’s Resistance Army, which heavily recruited child soldiers. Referred to as the Pearl of Africa, Uganda is diverse in topography and wildlife. You may find yourself in the north partnering with ministries that are bringing still-needed healing and reconciliation or in the south working with churches to evangelize and disciple the next generation of Kingdom workers