information about abortion. Both women expressed interest in coming in
and speaking with a nurse. One woman is scheduled to come in later today
and one later this week. Please remember these two women in prayer, as
well as the PRC volunteers & staff who will meet with them.
Please also remember the
Pregnancy Resource
Center in your
prayers. We are seeing our greatest days in the last 19 years as far as
our success with abortion-minded women. In the last two months alone, we
have seen the fate of 7 babies change from termination of pregnancy to LIFE –
Praise the Lord! There are years when our total babies saved for the year
did not reach 7. You can imagine our excitement as we our success rate
has changed from 23% to 67% of abortion-minded women changing their minds –
choosing a decision that not only allows their child the chance at LIFE but
also gives hope to the mother.
years financially. Less than 25% of our monthly financial needs are being
met by our monthly LIFE SUPPORT team (monthly donors). We have been
blessed with some one-time giving and fundraising efforts that have met
approximately 50% of our needs. But after several months of not meeting
our monthly financial needs, the PRC is now in need of $8000 to get us out of
the red.”

Dr. Scott: Medical Director, Carrie: Nurse Manager, Ma, Laurie:
Ultrasound Nurse, Sherry: Director, Mary: Assistant Director/Nurse