Be ONE with Christ. You hear so often to be like Jesus-but that is
not what He is striving for. That is not why God created us. He brought
us here to be with Him. When we finally realize why we are here and
what the Lord wants from us, our hearts should be in the right
place-with God, ONE with Him.
Before starting this race, I had only heard of dreams, visions, and
interpretations. Now, five months later, God has used all three of
these things in my life to show me how to pray and prepare my heart for
all kinds of things, including for other people. It is really
incredible to see the Lord use these new gifts to bring Glory to His
name and Kingdom.
Dreams can be both powerful and scary. There is a lot to dreams and
it is a huge way the Holy Spirit speaks through a person. I have had 6
dreams in the past 8 days-some are a little freaky, but have been
interpreted for good.
This morning I was mystified by the spirit. As we worshiped in the
bush at Jaco and Maria’s house, the wind was blowing all around me. The
spirit came through the wind and twirled around with me. He took me to
his own place and there I just laughed and danced around with Him. He
played with me for a while and I was filled with the joy of a child.
The sounds coming out my mouth were like a child’s laugh. It was an
incredible experience in so many ways.