The time has arrived…it is time to come back home to the good ol’ United States! Please be in prayer for the 52 of us as we have a very long journey ahead of us to make it back. We begin our last quest as a squad in about an hour…(it is currently 2:30am now). We will be walking about 30 minutes to a train where we will ride for one stop and then get on a different train that will take us to the airport. Once at the airport, we will be taking a short flight to Germany where we will have an 8 hour layover. From there we will board a plane to head to JFK. Will should be arriving there at 7:30 on Monday, November 23rd! I am road tripping back with some friends from the race.
Here are a few pictures from this last week we have spent together as a squad in Vienna, Austria.
 Me and the lovely Hollis.
The men who met us in Bangkok after we arrived from getting stuck in Miami.

Looking forward to seeing and talking to you all!!! Love!