You know those nights that you wake up for no reason and can't get back to sleep?
Yeah, I don't really have those. I'm generally a good sleeper. I may toss a bit, but I am always able to get right back to sleep. This week, however, I've woken up, wide awake, three nights. Three. And each night, God's put a specifc person or country on my mind.
It's blowing me away right now.
God cares enough about individuals and nations to wake up those who will to pray for them. I'm not patting myself on the back here for losing sleep. I'm talking about God. The God who cares deeply about you.
He cares enough about you that he sacrificed his perfect son, so that you, his imperfect son or daughter could be in a relationship with him. That's how much he cares about you and wants a relationship with you. That much!
He sees your value. Your worth. Your potential.
And is willing to fight for you, sacrifice for you.
Creator of the univerise sees you.

He's fighting for you! Because he loves you and you are his favorite 🙂