I don’t know how many times I’ve tried to write this blog over the past week; it’s been quite a few. I realize that I’ve tried to over complicate it and over explain the reasoning behind "what's next." Realizing that, I’m going to try to make this as short and sweet as possible while still sharing my heart.
God’s continuing further into what He began in me on the Race…this process of abandonment, brokenness and dependence….
To be honest, it didn’t take a whole lot of faith for me to believe in provision for the Race. Yes, I whole-heartedly believed that if that was where God wanted me, He would provide the way. And He did. He showed up! Through family, friends, acquaintances and anonymous donors, He provided for the Race and I am very thankful to everyone. However, I also had almost a year of working before the Race to save up and fundraise. Now, I am basically broke and have a month of working before going into what God has called me to next. If this is going to happen, than it's going to be a lot less in my own strength. It's safe to say I am definitely having to increase my dependency on the Lord and expand my faith.
So…the million dollar question…what’s next?
God is calling me to continue serving as a missionary with Adventures in Missions. This time, however, it’s stateside. At the beginning of September, I’ll be moving to Gainesville, Georgia for 6 months to serve with AIM in a program called CGA (Center for Global Action). I'll work as an intern in the office while receiving discipleship and a place to process what in the world happened to me these last 11+ months. Since I am interning at a non-profit missions organization, this is NOT a paid internship.
After 6 months serving with AIM, I am seriously praying about and considering a leadership academy called G42, which is another 6 months of interning and being discipled while developing life skills and practical experience.
why CGA & G42?
AIM & G42 know Racers. They know what we’ve been through and know that we need to process the Race to further understand what God did in our lives over the last year. We’re been through this process of abandonment, brokenness and dependency and now it’s time to move forward into empowerment, calling & confirmation. The leadership of these organizations sincerely desire for me to discover the dreams God has placed on my heart and my role in the Kingdom. They want to see my dreams and role in the Kingdom fulfilled. I want to be in a place that operates in "Kingdom culture." I need to be with people who point me toward Christ as I continue to find out who I am in Him, cultivate my dreams, and my heart as I step into what God has for me.
what’s my dream?
I have many, but the one I am committed the most to is finding a way to use my passion for film and media to support street kids. I don’t know what that looks like yet, whether it be starting a media company or becoming a filmmaker (just examples). However, I DO know that by obeying the Lord in stepping into this next season of discipleship and learning, the Lord is going to continue to help me get clearer vision for the future.
Well, I’m doing things a little backwards in that regard. I’m getting life experience before I finish my education. After I spend the next year interning and developing my media skills, I will return to university and study film or media communications.
What do I need?
– Prayer & Encouragement – utmost & foremost…prayer for strength, endurance, wisdom, guidance, understanding, patience, peace, provisions financially and otherwise, health, interactions with others, growth, etc. Also, God’s been putting Rio de Janiero on my heart lately…so that clarification comes in that & resources if need be.
– Finances – For September 2012-March 2012, lodging, food & expenses during my time at CGA will cost about $600/m – totaling $3,600. For April 2012-September 2013 for G42, roundtrip flight, lodging, food & expenses will be a total of $8,300 (but G42 is still undecided).
– Computer – I am also in need of a computer. Mine is broken. Fixing my Mac will cost $650. A Mac would be best for the kind of media projects I want to do. Please pray that God provides a way to get my computer fixed or that He miraculously provides another.
*I need a team of PRAYER WARRIORS and monthly supporters. If you're interested in supporting me financially,CLICK HERE. If you want to get in contact with me, I'd love to share my heart and vision with you personally. Feel free to contact me. My email address is [email protected] and my phone number is 919-771-6570.
Thank you all for you continued love & support!