I’m officially living in Gainesville, Georgia and have been for about two weeks. I moved early to participate in an event called Project Searchlight+ which was two weeks of freedom for seeking the LORD, resting and processing the Race. Food and housing were provided. There were about 15 fresh off the field Racers sleeping in the basement of a house on Lake Lanier. We had short sessions in the mornings, then we planned our day so we’d be intentional with our time and debriefed in the evenings. I was able to spend some quality time with the LORD, ask myself some hard questions, process what happened on the Race and live in community. I grew in intimacy with the LORD and God just confirmed that I’m moving into a season of “intense growth and spiritual encounter.” When you are still before God and listen, He will speak to you. The last month of the Race (June), God put the story of Mary and Martha in Luke 10 on my heart and it’s just now that I’ve started to apply what the Lord spoke to me then…one thing is required…that we sit at the LORD’s feet and listen. That’s the one thing I want to get right in my lifetime. I am truly excited about what the LORD is doing in my life and at AIM. I feel like I’m finally getting my priorities straight and things are falling into place. Intimacy with God is priority. I’m involved at AIM in the CGA which started today. This morning at the office, we had an incredible time of worship with the staff. I’m so blessed to be working in a place that gathers to worship corporately. It was a beautiful time this morning and we all had a revelation that we’re stepping into a new season with God and it’s a time of jubilee as The World Race is entering into it’s seventh year. God is moving tremendously here and I’m so blessed and thankful to be a part of it. He’s providing in incredible ways and some amazing things are in the works which I can’t wait to tell you about when the time is right. God is reviving generations. He’s waking hearts to life. He’s equipping His youngins to be and bring the kingdom. 


Some awesome women and men of the LORD at Searchlight+ celebrating Jess' birthday!