I've got to start off by saying God is doing amazing things here at Adventures in Missions. I know this is exactly where I'm supposed to be for this season and it is a great place to learn and grow in community. I view the CGA a launching pad for life after the Race. I still don't have all of the support that I need to be here, but I KNOW that the LORD will provide. I am genuinely excited about what the LORD is doing through the people here at Adventures and through the Center for Global Action. The LORD is revealing how important it is to BE and ABIDE in Him and less about what I do. 

First week of CGA:
Monday started off with an incredible morning of worship with the Adventures staff. I feel so blessed to be in an environment that can start off the week corporately worshipping the LORD. I loved seeing that the leaders at Adventures are keeping the main thing the main thing and are headed in a healthy direction. 
Tuesday-Thursday: We got introductions to all the Adventures department heads and higher ups and started going through the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. We took and reviewed our Myers-Briggs personality tests and temperament tests. I tested as an ENFP, for anyone who knows what that means. I also tested as equal parts Motivator and Detailer. Which is hilarious since they're pretty much opposites. I swing both ways in a few of the categories but it's definitely helpful in understanding others.
Friday: We went through department selections. After one on ones, our leadership place us in deparments in the office to work in at Adventures during the week. One other young lady and myself were chosen for the marketing department! I think it's the perfect fit for me and I am ready to learn, develop my skills and gain experience. I am also excited to just be a part of what the LORD is doing at Adventures in Missions. 

The adorable little cabin that 7 of us ladies are blessed to be living in! 

First day of CGA

Stephanie & I were chosen to work in the marketing department, whoop whoop!

Please prayerfully consider donating to my time serving with Adventures in Missions. I am needing to raise $450 per month for lodging, food and transportation.I do have another part time job here, but it isn't enough to cover my expenses. I am needing monthly supporters as well as one time donors. I would greatly appreciate any gift. Please remember that any donations are tax deductible helping build the Kingdom! Click the link to the left to help.