I just got back from an incredible 10 days in Georgia. 

Training Camp

First off, I got to help 300+ Racers & Passporters in Toccoa, Georgia get ready to leave in September by serving at their training camp. I got to do fun stuff like set up speakers, close their tents in the rain (hopefully they'll learn before they leave), be a foreign vendor on "market night," and I even got to help a little with team formations. 

Me, Melissa & Elizabeth after zipping up tent city in the rain.

Kayla and I are at the bottom right…we got to argue over customers, mam sur!

Seeing the Racers come together as squads & developing community was beautiful. Strangers became family. World changers listened & followed what the Lord asked of them. These people have no idea what they're getting themselves into, but they're in it together & they'll figure it out together. I love it. They're all passionate & ready for God to do great & mighty things. It was surreal for those of us serving from Y-Squad to come full circle. Just 14 short months ago, we were in their shoes. 

And now I'm gearing up for this next season of life after the Race…

Project Searchlight 

My team for the last 3 months of the Race…Team SCOTT…toot toot! 

After TC, I was able to meet up with most of the Y Squad in Gainsville, Georgia at AIM. They hosted a "conference" for alumni to help us process some of the Race & figure out the dreams God's placed on our hearts & how to pursue making those dreams reality. I honestly went in not expecting too much. I was thinking that it would be good to see everyone & if they help me figure out what I want to do next then great…but I had no idea what was coming. 

The sessions we had & the subjects we talked through helped me discover more about myself & what the Lord has done in me the past year. The presence of God was clearly in all of our meetings & times of worship. It was powerful. I got wrecked…more so than I ever did on the Race. It was a culmination of everything I've witnessed God do in the last year & realizing how good He is & that He just wants to be with me…I was in His presence, felt the weight of His glory. It was indescribable.

Besides having an amazing encounter with the Lord, I began realizing the dreams that He has placed on my heart & started forming a vision for the future. 

So…what are my dreams & passions? What's next?…