Day 320



Today is the day! Today marks the completion of my World Race journey! It’s crazy to think that 11 months ago I was getting ready to go to India and begin this crazy journey. I now am sitting in the Peruvian International Airport awaiting to board the plane that will take me back to my homeland.  It’s been a while since I last posted a blog, but thought I could share some of my responses to a project that one of my teammates, Sam, worked on this month. These questions quickly highlight some of the biggest takeaways of this tremendous journey. Sam interviewed everyone on the team and put together a video to showcase our experiences. I will attach the video at the end of the blog. You should definitely check it out!




1. What is the World Race to you?


The World Race was an impossible dream that God transformed into my reality. For years I dreamed about seeing the world and helping those in need, and God did that and MORE! The World Race is the key that opens doors in 11 different countries unlocking so many opportunities to meet, encounter, love, serve, experience people and cultures but most importantly God. The World Race was the beginning of my life adventure with God and serving his people and creation. I can’t wait to see the entire story unfold!


2. How has it changed you? 


I am not the same person that left Texas 11 months ago that’s for sure! The spirit of God that lives within me is more alive then ever! I went from being a dreamer to a world racer, N squad member, a teammate, a leader, a friend, a disciple, an encourager, an evangelist, a preacher, a lover, I become what God wanted me to be to serve him and his people well. Though my circumstances were constantly changing, God never did!


3. What part of your Race has impacted you the most? 


I think one of the things that has impacted me the most has been the host we’ve encountered along the way. Sometimes it can be difficult communicating with our host, but there is something amazing about seeing people sacrifice so much for the kingdom! I got to serve with 11 different host that dedicated their lives to serve God in their communities. We joined them for just a month as they are gifting the Lord with a life time of mission work. I was able to meet a variety of people with different backgrounds all surrender to the calling God has bestowed upon them. I CAN NOT wait to be able to offer people hope, love, encouragement, wisdom, grace, mercy, forgiveness, peace, and so much more in the same way my host offered it to me.


4. What have you learned?


Always pursue and chase after Kingdom first. On the Race you will encounter celebrations and trials that can distract you from the finish line. Each step is vital to continue moving forward. Yes there was variations of momentums, but the key was to never stop from moving forward towards the finish line, Kingdom. Circumstances will always change, your mind and feelings also go up and down, but if you keep your eyes on serving God and glorying the Kingdom everything eventually settled into where they needed to be in God’s timing. God always revealed himself in every situation, stayed faithful to his promises, and gave me the strength to keep going.



5. What are the benefits of going through this journey? 


God is the biggest benefit I could have experienced. I have seen, felt, and heard the Lord in ways I never imagined I would. He is worth the journey. I’ve also gained brothers and sisters in Christ that share the same heart and desire to pursue God in all ways. My eyes have been opened to the wonders of the world. The creator of this beautiful earth allowed me to see his creations and has revealed to me to see how wide, long, high, and deep is his love for everyone, including myself!


6. If you could speak to yourself from 11 months ago at launch right now, what would you say?


Don’t limit what God can do through you! Don’t fear, but with a thanksgiving heart and spirit come to me. RISE UP to be the woman of God he created you to be. Even if you don’t know all the answer you wish you had along the way, be content with the journey of everyday and allow God to guide you. P.S. PACK LIGHTER!!!


7. What would you tell a potential World Race who was on the fence about going? 


PRAY AND TRUST. Prayer is the biggest tool that God gives us to hear directly from him. God will make his will known to you. You have to ask and stay still to hear him. Have people close to you pray for you too. God uses others to speak truth into each other lives. On the race you spend so much time with your teams and squad. We are our biggest support systems. We can turn to each other in a team of need. Trust that God will guide you!


“Trust in the Lord with all you heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6


The World Race can be whatever you allow it to be. Your heart, mind, attitude can determine the outcome of the fruit produced no matter the circumstances. You have control over your “yes” to a door God could be opening for you. Its up to you to walk through the door and encounter what’s on the other side.