Well I think I have made a crazy decision.  The other night after I posted my last blog, we had a worship service at the campground.  I was still pretty stressed out trying to decide to go home or go on faith to Africa.  In the worship time, I finally connected with God.  Through all the songs, the prayers, and time alone with God in those moments, I decided to go on faith to Africa.  It is definetly a scary thought, but I want God to be enough for me in any situation and this is a time when I can really learn that.  I thought back to a quote of Jim Elliot’s.  It said something about how we can trust God for our salvation, to get rid of all our dirty rotten sins, but we barely ever trust Him for smaller things like provision.  So here I go.  I am attempting to move some gaint mountains with my faith in Jesus – My provider.  My team is sticking by me in this decision and I am grateful for their support and prayers.  Please continue to pray for me in this adventure of faith, and I still need you to pray about financially supporting me.  God will provide for this.  I honestly do not know how in the world it will be accomplished, and I am sure there will be some tight times ahead, but I will survive (as one singer puts it). 

So, at the present time, my team is trying to find a cheap way to Egypt just like all the other teams.  We are experiencing some red tape in getting plane tickets and finding a way.  Please lift that up in prayer too.  But, we are finding ways to minister in the midst of our travel problems.  We have met a local Christian family and the pastor of a small church.  We were able to talk with them the other day at the campsite and pray for them.  It was a great encouragement to them just to have other Christians around.  Turkey ýs 99.9% Muslim.  The church was co-sponsoring an outreach event in a local town and we were able to pass out flyers for that today.  It is a hard rock band that preaches the gospel in song and in drama.  The concert is tonight.  Please pray that the people come with open hearts and see the truth and love that we know in the person of Jesus Christ.  It will be a wild night. 

Thanks again for praying for me and my team.  I appreciate your support and know that I really need it to make it through the rest of this trip on faith.  I look forward to the amazing God-stories I can tell when I come home.  God Bless everyone.