WOW!  What a trip.  From our city in Tibet last week (I can’t even remember what day we left) until last night, we’ve been traveling.  We traveled all the way across China, down to Macau, and flew to Thailand.  We arrived safely last night and struggled to get a hotel late in the night at a place where we had no contact.  After some dealing and bargaining, we finally got what we needed and got in taxi’s to cross town.  We arrived at the hotel and it looked nice, but then a few seconds later we turned the corner and went to the other half of the hotel.  God is good.

This hotel had a pool, free continental breakfasts, and tv with english movies!  The three days we have here in Bangkok before we leave for our ministry site will definetly be relaxing.  And that my friends, is exactly what we are all in need of.  After a month of cold, dreary, smoggy China, we are in sunny Thailand.  We’ve all be sick.  We’ve crossed treacherous terrain in vehicles unsuitable for travel. We’ve eaten Big Head fish (yuck) and boiled pig’s feet!  In a few days we will put our feet to work again, carrying the gospel to southern Thailand.  We’ll be staying in tents near the beach for a week!  It’ll be amazing.  But these few days, we are taking a must needed rest to recupirate.  Please pray for everyone to finally feel 100% better, and get the rest we need for the task at hand. 

Today I experienced something I have never had before… a Traditional Thai Massage!  My friends talked me into this and it was an amazing experience, and much cheaper than in the United States.  I feel like a new woman, and I haven’t bent my body like that since I was 8 years old!  Tomorrow we are taking a free tour down the floating market here in Bangkok.  But for now, I’m going to finish my day or rest with some time by the pool with my Bible and perhaps a good movie (IN ENGLISH!) on the television tonight.  I’m looking forward to the ministry this month in Thailsand, it will be awesome.  Pray for the people here. 

Thanks for everything friends and family, for all your prayers and support.  I couldn’t have made it through to this point with out you all.  Much love – Ashley