It's not about me.

It's about Jesus. That's where my story comes in. My life before Jesus was like many others: born somewhere in the middle of nowhere. But, for the sake of the blog, I'll divulge some specifics.

In 1988, I was born in Utah. My parents were teachers and I was lucky enough to have an older sister, who, for the rest of our existence, has continually taught me, through example (of course), how to walk on a good path. For the first decade of my life, we moved pretty consistently as both of my parents made the choice to go to seminary. Not a big deal.

So, from Arizona to Kentucky, and from Ohio to North Dakota, we eventually ended up at the bottom of Alabama. We bought a dog named Grits and have been chugging along ever since. I went to college, and graduated last semester from the University of South Alabama. I have been working as a youth director at a church in Mobile, Alabama for the past few years.

But, that story includes nothing of Jesus. Honestly, He began drawing me closer to salvation at a time that I cannot put my finger on. At the age of 15, I finally made the choice that He alone should have been my Lord and began to truly walk around high school with that mindset. He has spared from the pit too many times to count and has been working on my character ever since. 

I have a passion for missions that simply won't go away. I've been on too many mission trips to count but dream often of leaving America for a much longer period than a few weeks. It's amazing to me that I can look up at the same stars here in the States and have everything at my disposal, and, yet, look up at those stars in another country and have nothing more than the clothes in my pack. My heart clings to the thought of a tent and a backpack as being my home–if only for a time. 

I'm so pumped about what Jesus is going to do. Because, afterall, it is about Him. And His kingdom. And His glory. Let's go. It's good news.