Our contacts here at New Song, Tommy and Linda, are absolutely amazing. This morning we discussed some of the ministry opportunities in this community, and it appears that the possibilities are endless. We have the chance to work with children, teenagers, women’s and men’s groups, local churches, and door-to-door ministry. Another emphasis of Tommy and Linda’s is building relationships with the people here. Every afternoon, New Song’s 5-acre property is filled with children and youth playing basketball, volleyball, baseball, and soccer, to name a few of the activities. This opens the door for us to visit with and build into the lives of these kids and teens.
I am so excited to see what God is going to do this month as we practice listening to His voice and following His direction. I also have a sneaky suspicion that this month will bring a new set of challenges and opportunities for growth. My biggest challenge will most likely be in the area of relationships. I tend to be more task-oriented than people-oriented, so being purposeful about developing friendships with the people here will take an extra effort for me. However, I am pretty convinced that this is the direction in which God is leading me. This month I would appreciate your prayers, both for myself and my team, that we would clearly discern God’s direction for us to take in our ministry here; also that I would be intentional about building relationships and that God would use that to bless the people here. Now I’m going to turn this prayer request into a challenge for you. Are you seeking God’s direction daily for your life? Is there someone in your life that you can reach out to? Who knows how God might use that to minister to and share the love of Christ with others.
That’s the latest from my end for now. I’ll keep the updates coming as I journey onward in this great adventure called the World Race.