Here in Guatemala all of the schools are out for three weeks due to the swine flu. My team was able to capitalize on this opportunity by putting together a Vacation Bible School for one of the mountain village churches. When Wednesday rolled around, five of us headed out up the mountain with the pastor from this church. After an hour of hiking uphill (think of it as a super-deluxe stair stepper), we arrived at the church. For the next hour and a half, we walked from hut to hut inviting children to come to the VBS. We hiked through corn fields, dirt lanes, and cow pastures to reach the secluded huts and families of that area. At one point, we were walking along a ridge with an incredible view of the mountains on each side. It felt like we were on top of the world. Where is the camera when you need it?! I guess that is a picture that I will just have to store in my head. Sometimes those turn out to be the most special anyways.