The main intention of this blog post is to provide a semi-concise summary of ways someone who is so inclined can support me. Hopefully this will be helpful 🙂

1. PRAYER. Yes, I need to raise a lot of money, and it probably seems like I put prayer first to sound more spiritual…. But honestly, without God, this trip is pointless. This is for real #1.

Here are some of the biggest on-going requests:

  • That I will not wait for or expect the World Race to change me into a more serious Jesus-follower. I want to join Him where He is at work TODAY.
  • For the people and ministries we will be working with next year (and pray for divine appointments!)
  • That I will be fully funded by the time I leave in January (and for God to raise up supporters who will partner with me).
  • For Training Camp in October to prepare me well, and that God will put me with the right small group to do ministry with on the Race.

2. Monthly Financial Support. This is going to be the most helpful way to support me financially, and needs to be started ASAP. You can do this by hitting “Support Me” and choosing the recurring donation option. Or, you can go through Dynapay. ( I must be fully funded by April 2016, so make sure the monthly donation doesn’t go past that month.

3. One-time Financial Gift. This can either be done online by hitting “Support Me” and following those steps, or you can send a check. If you opt to send a check, here are a few guidelines:

  • Make the check payable to Adventures in Missions
  • Write my name on the Memo Line
  • Mail to this address: Adventures in Missions, PO Box 742570, Atlanta, GA 30374-2570
  • Do not post date checks
  • If you received a letter from me and have the support card, send the check in with that

4. Buying My Gear! This one is HUGE right now. I have several of my big items now, thanks to my wonderful grandparents (shout-out to the best grandparents IN THE WORLD), but I do still need several items by October, which is when I have Training Camp (which I am in the process of researching and uploading to my wish list). Visit my registry page if you are interested in buying one of my items! These are all things I FOR SURE want. 🙂 Or, you can just get money to me specifically for getting my gear.

5. Buy my EP. With the invaluable help of many friends, I do have a short album that I am selling as a fundraiser. You can either get an online copy, which I would share with you through Google Drive and you can download from there, or purchase a physical copy (which comes with cool tree album art, and if you know me at all that’s important). I am asking a minimum $10 donation for the online version and $12 for the physical copy (it was more expensive to make). If you are interested, donate the money directly into my account through my blog (or get me a check/cash), and then let me know if you wanted it online or a physical copy. Be sure to communicate to me that your donation was for an EP though, or else I may think you just donated for fun.

Buy my t-shirt. I am still selling these, although I do not have any more smalls. For you tiny humans out there, it could at least be a pajama shirt? I still have a lot to get rid of. They are $15, but if you wanted a small I’d knock it down to $10. You can either donate through my blog or get me cash.

6. References. If you know of anyone who just loves mission trips or who you think would be interested in hearing about the World Race, please get that information to me so that I can meet with or call them and share about my trip! It is super helpful to broaden my horizons this way.

That’s all for now! I have a new fundraiser coming soon, so be on the lookout for that! I appreciate all of your support more than you could ever know.