I am full of joy! Today I woke up to more rain and I was really just frustrated with that. I arrived at church for prayer and this hour was very refreshing. Yes they meet an hour before church and pray. Then the service began and praise and worship was amazing. The pastor just returned from speaking in the States and was fired up and ready to preach. During Praise and Worship he stopped us to encourage us to clap our hands, dance, shout, and sing praises to God. There was freedom in doing this and it was very refreshing! It did not matter how the person next to you worshipped or how you use to worship at home! The entire time the pastor was in the front dancing and praising God! Then he began to preach! An amazing service! He preached in the beginning about hearing Gods voice and not man’s voice! Then after he preached on that he preached on Restoration! The scriptures he chose to share with us was Restoration was immediate not in months to come! This man was anointed and he spoke to our hearts today! It was a great day in God’s house! Then after service we visited with the members of the church while enjoying tea and biscuits (cookies).

by inviting all 21 of us to her home and feeding us an amazing meal. We just relaxed and had tea and coffee while she grilled lamb and chicken for us. Then it was time for us to eat. She fed us lamb, chicken, potato salad, pasta salad, corn, garlic bread, and some other dishes. It was an amazing meal! So all you at home that think I am starving well I am doing very well at the moment! We just enjoyed an afternoon on her back porch talking and laughing. Today has just been so refreshing! Our group is all smiles and we seem to be filled with joy!

I ended the night playing games with J Squad. We did a lot of laughing and it was just a great time together. It was a good way to end an awesome week!