The one thing I never thought would happen happened. I am not a sickly person but accidents is something im very use to.  I am not one to be a baby too much specially in front of people but if I get sick I want my MOM! My team was very shocked how different I act when I am well than when I am sick.

I was glad  to be at our new location, running around the YWAM (youth with a mission) complex. I was also excited to be with Hope’s team and Brandy and looking forward to a good month of serving God with them. Then things began to change for me. We went to dinner and I was not feeling to good. I decided to go ahead and eat but that was a bad choice. I was sick from supper with in an hour of eating. I did not have any fever or headache so I just went to bed. A few days go by and I just feel bad the weather is so hot and I am just miserable.

On Thursday my team insisted I go to the clinic. I went to the clinic with Kendra. Don was meeting Dan at the bus stop because he was coming to stay with our team. The clinic decides to give me fluids and test me for malaria.

I am waiting for a room and Don and Dan show up. Dan is so funny in the room that I finally get. He was so wild he claimed him and Austin drank to many cokes. I am annoyed so I try to get rid of him but this backfires he sends Shannon in his place and stays to keep me company. I am now in a small room with wild Dan and an iv. I just took it as a blessing and hung out with my buddy Dan.

I test negative for malaria and go home after I received the fluids. We arrived at YWAM and I go to bed. The next day I wake up and I am little surprised I feel great. I think I’m well. I was very disappointed when I woke up so sick Saturday.

I head to the clinic, they want look at me and send me straight to the government run hospital. Before I start telling you details about my stay here let me give you some information about this place. It was hot and ants were every where. I would say there were around 50 or so women with malaria all through this room some where 2 per bed and some were alone. I did not like this place at all.

I arrive they moved a lady out of her bed put me in it. The nurse leaves. She comes back with my meds. Starts my IV the worse I have ever had. I lay there miserable no pillow no blanket but thank goodness I didn’t need a blanket. It was hot but then at visiting hours the place would rise ten degrees it would just get so hot you could not stand it. My team really loves me because several hours of the day Don and Kendra would just sit and fan me.

Finally I lost it, told them it was too hot and I could not take it here anymore. I was ready to leave this place. Finally a Dr if you can call him that got me a private room. I could not believe what was happening . I was in shock and so are you going to be. The nurse put a lady in bed with me. Yes, we were sharing a bed for about an hour.

My new room was ready and I could not wait to get there. I had air condition and a private toilet. I laid down and waited for my Dr and nurse to show up. They took for ever for this to be an emergence. The lights go out so they use their telephones to put my new iv in. Yes, they used their cell phone lights. I remember going to bed but that is it. I don’t remember anything except a few stories from the girls that kept me.

Many of them were in shock of my condition. I was so out of it and I couldn’t do anything with out their help. This is when it was time for a new hospital. They had to take me to Dar es slam or fly me to Kenya.

I was taken to Dar Es Slam by a lady and Kendra and Dan went with me. It is about a 3 or so hour drive. I don’t remember any of this though. I got to my new hospital which is more westernize and nice.

I finally get here and settled in and with in a few hours I am feeling better and responding. Praise God.

They are treating me in ICU I like my nurses and Drs. The best memory I have is they think I might need a blood transplant. I need American blood so they ask Dan ( who hates needles and stuff) and Kendra if they will go upstairs and have their blood checked. I’m A+ so they have to match me too.

They both match and are ready to give. Thank goodness they matched and I was a little worried they were to this point of taking action with me. Was I really this sick and didn’t realize it? Malaria is that serious? Many more questions ran through my head constantly.

Neither Kendra or Dan had to give me blood I was getting better. They kept the blood they took from them so I Pray it saves a life that needs it one day.

I got better after a few days and then went to a private room. Kendra once again stayed with me. After getting out of this hospital I was feeling ok but not great.

Kendra and I stayed in a hostel with me till I flew home.

I flew many hours alone to get fully recovered at home. My mom and dad picked me up and we went out to eat I was starving. I didn’t eat much but felt good. It took me a few days to get use to our time zones but I finally adjusted.

I was feeling great one moment and then I felt horrible again. I went to my local Dr office had to use a wheel chair. They sent me to an hospital called UAMS it was about 1 hour and a half north of my hometown. I arrive and they were ready for me.

My first room was a step down from ICU I was there a few nights taking malaria meds. Then to another room and took more meds. Then we finally got to come back home to Monticello. It is taking me a long time to recover but I am finally doing better.

I am so blessed to be home and recovering. I have had one spell since being home and it is great to be in my mom and dad’s care. I am slowly getting better and have lost some weight, ok I am little excited about this one. I plan on laying around and recovering , well my mom has put me here and says I will stay at home for one more week. That is going to be very hard for me now that I’m feeling better.

Thanks to everyone who has taken care of me or said some prayers. Many of my squad, team and squad leaders have taken good care of me while I was over seas. Kendra thanks for all you have done for me. Mom and Dad thanks for all you have done while I have been home sick.

God is the ultimate healer and I believe he is and has healed me.