The wind is blowing and the rain is falling but life in Ireland is still going on. This is normal life for them and that is hard for me because I would normally stay in doors. We are working with Abundant Life Church here in Galway and we are going to the square where a lot of people hang out.  We are street evangelizing and just building relationship with the people of Galway. The church we are working with has been meeting every night from 6 to 7 to pray for the people of Ireland. We have been joining them each night and it has been amazing! The one thing I have noticed in the youth age kids here is that they do not like Church or God because of growing up with Mass being forced upon them. They do not understand what it is like to have a relationship with Christ. I have struggled with not knowing what to say when I walk up to them but then it did not take long for me to realize they just want us to be us and nothing else.

Our first day in the square Halley, Chelsea, and I talked to some teenagers. We really enjoyed building a relationship with them. We talked for an hour or so and the boy Cillian who claimed to be atheist seemed to care more when we got done talking. When I asked him why he believed that he could not give me an answer of why and would just find something else to talk about. He would only tell me that he didn’t want to go to church anymore.  Sara was one of the girls there and she is so hungry for more of God! Sara at the moment is allowing Cillian to verbally talk down to her and let him control her. She is lying to her mom about being around him! She is doing The whatever she can to hang out with him and make him like her. The next day we went out to the square I ran into them again. Sara talked to me a little bit so that was nice to be able to talk to her some more. I am praying that I am able to talk to her with out Cillian being around. I think she will be more open to what I have to say with out him there! If I do not get a chance to talk to her I know that the seed is planted there and I am praying that someone else crosses their path to help reach them. So please join me in prayer for Sara and Cillian.