My time in Turkey was amazing. I will never forget the 5 amazing women and men of God we served with. I love each one of them very much. Each one of them has touched my life more than they will ever know.

They have encouraged me so much this past month. Seeing their hearts for Turkey and wanting to bring Kingdom has been refreshing. They have opened up their homes knowing they were busy, it would be crowded, and it was Christmas time.

I don’t know when our two teams bonded exactly but it was like we were one happy family. I know they will be glad to have their home back but I believe they are sad to see us leave.

I have enjoyed the many memories we share together. They have made our time here unbelievable and I really don’t want to go yet.

With all that being said my team and I are headed to Kenya for the month of January. I will be honest with you all I CAN NOT WAIT. When I signed up for this trip Africa is the one place I couldn’t wait for.

I am sad to leave here but very excited for this next month. We will be working with Somalia refugees. I am super pumped about all God has in store for us.

Please be in prayer for my team and I during the next month. I have several blogs I hope to get out in the next few days about my time in Turkey.