Ken Virzi wrote this.. i know i have reposted a few blogs but i really think they are all great blogs.

Sitting in the YWAM base in Bangkok, Thailand at our orientation for the month ahead something unexpected happened.

The video on the screen in front of me was highlighting one of the many ministries of YWAM here.  I was flooded with emotion as I found myself caught up in the video, and then caught up in my mind.
As my eyes got a little watery I knew there were many sources to thank for such a reaction.
The lost, forgotten, abused, trapped, hopeless lives before me caused me to feel deeply for the hurting, the hungry, the hopeless.
At the same time I had a deep sense of pride that brought about some emotion.  I felt so good being a Christian as I saw displayed before me some of the heroes that most of the World will never hear about.  Those who selflessly have given up their lives to rescue, to serve, to help, to sponsor.  It was not the government, not the peace corp, these were ordinary Christians who were following Jesus and it led to amazing things!
Then it dawned on me.  There are so many heroes.  So many who are helping the helpless, who are taking on the darkness.  So many who live among the poor, and give their lives to children that were not born to them.
As my mind wandered I had two thoughts.
“It would be an absolute privilege to serve alongside, and to help in any way possible these heroes in Thailand on the screen in front of me.  What an honor to help them, to be a part of what they are doing for even a short time.”
and then it all came together.
I immediately thought of Prasad, our contact in Cambodia.  Born in India, lived in Singapore, now he runs a school and church on the edge of town that gives free English lessons to any and all.  One day during a break in the classes I was finishing up a book on modern day slavery and it became clear to me how significant this work was.  Before me were young children, boy and girls of many ages, but it was the girls that I thought about.  Most were coming from very poor areas, and the education, community and hope for future they were getting in our classes was the very thing that was protecting at least some of them from turning to a life of horrid things out of desperation.  I knew that women on our squad would be working directly with trafficked prostitutes in the month ahead, but Prasad was saving them before they had a chance to get stolen!  Away from home, serving, loving, giving himself everyday to these children that he loves.  I got to work with this hero!
Then of course there were many others.
A man in the remote villages of Romania giving his life to the forgotten and downtrodden Gypsies.
A Pastor in Tanzania who scrapes by to commit his life to what he thinks is most important, bringing salvation to his town.
A woman from Germany living in the craziest part of Vietnam to reach out to so many, employ those who would otherwise be in trouble, and teach those who need help getting ahead.
Students in Albania that do not get paid, but seem to give all their time reaching out to their fellow students, and committing their lives so that their country and beyond can experience the love of Jesus.
These are some of the heroes I got to meet.  Some of the heroes I got to work with.  Some of the heroes I got the privilege to serve!
By the way, below is the video I was watching when all that I just wrote was being birthed in my head!  Enjoy.