…sorry for the long break in my story. Had a couple days of travel from Huehue to Antigua and between not having internet access for some of the days and getting caught up in ministry and meetings and debriefs…including me being a little lazy, I have not been able to get to finish the tale of our adventure down the mountain.
So after our great adventure of the bus breaking down while coming up the mountain and getting back to us while at the top(see Yipeekayae) we began our trip down, down, down the mountain. We got on this dirt road that literally went on for close to an hour down the mountain. This was some serious off roading action, in mud, loose rocks and gravel and all kinds of other conditions, trying to avoid using too much of the brakes, so they don’t burn out, thank God for stick shifts. The view on this end though into the valley and towns below was just breath taking.
Anyway, we eventually made it to Todos Santos. A pretty busy town with a very strong cultural association. I say this because on entry into town, it looked like everyone was wearing some variation of their cultural outfit. It was everywhere, the men in the pants and colorful shits, and the women in their colorful skirts and blouses. It felt like we just drove into a town hiding itself away from the rest of Guatemala, all color coordinated in the same outfit. Just a very different atmosphere than most other places we’ve been so far.
Ministry here was great, and it turned out to be one of the best days yet. We got a chance to pray for patients waiting to be seen by the doctors, play with a lot of the children and make some small but significant impact on their lives and share with them the love of Christ. Got to make new friends among the locals, sharing our stories, and just loving on them as well.
With this being the end of our medical ministry, one of the sponsors of the medical missions program, a local bank, Banrual Bank, hosted a small dinner banquet in our honor(the whole medical missions team). It was a blessing to have the amazing food and even a small live local band and we got to learn a little about Guatemala’s history…such a beautiful country, rich with history.
Through this day though, it was evident that the Mayan culture and all that goes with that are still a dominant part of the culture in these parts, and prayer for a revelation of truth is one of my prayer points for this whole area of Guatemala.