…So its been a few days, but after a three hour drive from Jersey to DC, a ten hour drive from DC to Atlanta,  and a week later, another hour drive to Gainesville; My squad mates, all thirty four of them got to finally meet this crazy Nigerian that has this very difficult, hard to read, poor excuse of a bio, written in the third person. Making jokes about social security numbers being a collectors item, or was he?.. 😉 It was a quick introduction as we got to camp late at night and got right into relation building activities. And just as fast as we got into the activities, my dear squad mate Will, ran right into a tree branch smacking his head with enough force to give these seeminly unsympathetic teammates of his a good chuckle; ok maybe more of a good laugh, but he was graceful about it, probably laughing just as hard….all this while we are trying to complete the exercise; making our way through the  woods, with just tiki torch lamps, trying to reflect on our expectations and perception of the Father and breaking Him out of the little boxes we tend to restrict Him to.
The week so far has turned out to be a very revealing, spirit filling, relationship building time with God and my squad mates. It is thursday, and its been a pretty intense time of first letting the Lord reveal, remove and replace. Yes its been intense, sometimes downright difficult, but the freedom afterwards is more than worth it. Between team building activities, camping outdoors, and hiking and climbing, there were lots of moments to reflect on life, decluster the mess it encompasses and even some time for some great camp fire food. As a bachelor, I’m sad to say camp fire food was actually a step up for me(Yum!! thanks Ladies!)…. 🙁 (sad camp food is better than mine at home)
Well, I can definately see the Lord has great plans for this squad, and its incredibily amazing to see the work He is already doing in each of us. I mean, some people learning about the Holy Spirit for the first time, others being re-filled with the Spirit, and while yet others been slain in the Spirit. We have been wrecked by His love, grace and mercy and released from the SHAME that seems to plague soo many of us….in different forms, and theres still more to come.  To say the least, its been a great week, for even though sometimes emotionally draining, its been great to be able to come every night and just soak in the Lords presence with the Spirit being a focal point to the Father.
So as this comes to an end,  I am down to two months on the countdown to June 1st….Launch day. I still do have a few more days left. So pls continue to keep me in your prayers, even while here with my training wheels still on.
By the way, I got to find out the members of my team. This a a smaller unit structure that comprises of some six very cool teammates from the general squad. I will introduce them soonest, promise!! Oh, and just got done with an underground church simulation – this is an exercise where you get to experience just a tad of what some missionaries have and often get to go through in closed off countries. Remind me to tell you ’bout it some time….Please remember to keep me in your prayers as well as my fund raising. Thanks!