Ok, so I guess it’s bout time, sorry for the very long suspense. Well, let me introduce you to my core team, within my larger squad family of 34 strong(in case anyone is a tad confused).
First of all, we are known as ‘Team ABANDON’; representing our choice/commitment to abandon any crutch we are hanging on to that is not of God, the lifestyle we have let define who we are in this world, the unforgiveness we hold on to, even those that seem rightfully so; we are committing to abandon ourselves for His cause and His Love. Through this next 11 months, we are committing to step out, even as we abandon all to share about His Son Jesus, The one who abandoned all, even separation from the Father to give us an everlasting hope, through indescribable love.
So lets get to it; here is Team ABANDON, check out their blogs and do keep them and the rest of my squad( ‘I’ Squad)  in constant prayer.
 Holla at Cori Smith              Drop Kimi Cantrell a what it is..     Say Hi to Erin Neufeld          Shout Jesus love U to Jessica Philip
                  Hit my boy Luke Cantrell with a what up                     …and please, talk to your boy, yours truly
                          lukecantrell.theworldrace.org                                                   Arthur Peters
 Please do keep us in your prayers as we prepare to launch out in a little over 7 weeks!!
 Here are some fun pics while making memories with our new team….Cheers!!


Yes, Cori and Jess doing the shuffle in bowling shoes…its just doesn’t get any better!!