I just read this blog post from one of my teammate Jessica Philip titled ‘Don’t waste your life!’. I am compelled to re-post and share, as I think it is very thought provoking and in your face. To be real, it can come a little harsh, but U know sometimes thats whats up with the truth when it hits you hard or its given to you straight up. As she mentions, the book that is referenced in the post is missions focused, but the message I think applies to anything and every area of our lives. It asks us to confront and understand what our purpose in life is as directed by God. It has us confronting dying to ourselves, ’cause when we do that, the mission takes off in our lives, and He’l take care of the rest, the details, the where to go, persons to talk to, if to travel to a foreign land, teach a local bible study or do the 9-5, 7-11 for some of us.
I havent read the book, but I would like to. We are probably not all going to agree with everything in it, but I believe there will be a lot to chew on in there (from reading Jessica’s blog and some other comments I have see online about the book) and because it is so in your face, like i’ve said, your thoughts are provoked, and maybe even a discussion will come up…a discussion that can teach and reveal.
Anyway, I think the blog post is a great read, and yes, very thought provoking(can I say that enough?);
don’t waste your life! Check it our
here on Jessica’s page.