Have U ever pondered on Romans 9? How does it make you feel, dared to give it more than just a passing read? 

Here Paul makes an argument on
God’s sovereignty, tied in with His faithfulness and righteousness.
Focusing a little more on vs 12-23. Does it make you stop and think?
does it maybe even leave a type of a knot in your chest or stomach, like…really? 
Do U get it, do you
understand? Are U asking that same question in vs 19 “Then why does God
blame us” ?

I’m learning that part of understanding this chapter is to review some
of the scripture Paul quotes to make his argument, and understanding
that context as well. But I think it helps for me to be honest with myself on how I react to it and address it. 

See Ex 33:18-19.

There is a link between God’s Glory and his goodness, and proclaiming
his name…for his name’s sake. As though his Glory was not so much
something to be seen with eyes, but his Glory being in His goodness, and in the
proclamation of His name – as he goes on to say, “I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.” 

Anyway, still studying and want to properly understand and form my thoughts, so gonna leave U hanging…sorry. 🙂

 But for the bigger picture being painted, I think these questions show face..Is
God still faithful, in-spite of what we read….? Can he still be
considered righteous?

Would love to hear your thoughts, even if U are just stomped by Rom 9. I
think this is one of those chapters that tug at us, and just challenge
our core view of God, based on what we hold to be just, fair or right.

Anyway, I’ll leave it at that, have a great night, and keep living out