Reaching a place in my heart and mind where I would even apply to go on the World Race has been an adventure on its own!

But how I’ve gotten to where I am now traces back to one thing…surrender.

I’ll admit, it’s been a bumpy ride at times. I first heard about the World Race a couple of years back from a coworker who knew about my desire to go on international mission trips. At the time I still had a ways to go in college, so the timing just didn’t seem right to take off for a year. But God wouldn’t let that desire go away.

In June of this year a friend of mine passed away, and she happened to be there that day when my coworker told me about the World Race. God used her death to put things into perspective for me and I realized I needed to take her advice from that day and “Go let God break my heart for other people”.

I remember one specific moment lying in bed and having a difficult time. I’d reached a crossroads—I could either apply for the World Race or apply to a graduate school. I begged God for His wisdom and I remember a clear and concise thought entering my mind: If I knew I had a few years left to live, what would I rather be doing? And I knew the answer.

From the world’s wisdom it would’ve looked good for me to go right into a graduate school, but God’s kingdom doesn’t operate that way. He’d called me to place of absolute surrender.

I know my Shepherd’s voice, and where He goes I follow; when I heard Him guiding me toward the World Race I couldn’t ignore it.

So, to sum it all up—why am I going on the World Race?

I’m going because my King has told me to go, and because I love Him and I desire to do whatever He asks of me. I’m going to let Him break my heart for others.