In a recent blog, I wrote about the route change our squad is experiencing and how the Holy Spirit is redirecting each team and planning this race for us. Well, He’s at it again.

As we enter our final week in Madagascar, I’m sitting at my computer recalling the curve balls, rollercoaster of emotions, and all-squad announcements, which was followed by anticipation of sober news. Our first all-squad announcement had already come the week prior, and was about the route change.

Many people were still trying to process the loss of China and Mongolia when the second announcement came Monday after dinner. Two squad leaders stood before us, their demeanor was heavier, and their eyes held a sadness in them that was different than when they gave the news about the route change. After much prayer, and nearly three months of doing life with this person, leadership had decided to send one of my squad-mates home. The world race isn’t for everyone, and his growth was being prevented here rather than expounding.

I sunk into my bed that night, with my mind swimming with all kinds of thoughts. That was when I was informed that my Facebook was hacked, which, needless to say, was the last thing I wanted to be thinking about in that moment. I found myself a little dumbfounded, it couldn’t have happened at more inconvenient time.

By the next day, we were hugging our squad-mate goodbye, and two of the squad leaders left the compound to stay at a hostel to handle logistical details, and ensure that our squad-mate had safe travels.

Wednesday morning, a squad leader stood up at breakfast to give an announcement: team Deep Wells, and God’s Magnolias were going to be spending our last week here in the bush. Well, good morning. I thought to myself. I was excited about the news, and somewhat amused by the fact that God was barely giving me time to process what had happened the night before, and He was changing the plan on me yet again.

On Thursday night, other tension within the squad had reached a breaking point. Nobody said anything on Friday, but I felt like I was holding my breath just waiting for a squad leader to return to the compound and give us another announcement.

I was expecting anything.

As I walked back from breakfast to get ready for ministry I was informed that instead of campus ministry (like I thought I would be doing on Friday) I would be teaching a Zumba class at the school my team and I have been teaching at. This led to my team teaching eight Zumba classes. Is there anything else You would like to let me know about at the last minute, God?

I guess I wasn’t expecting anything after all, but I have to say that in retrospect it was lots of fun and it was a good way to say goodbye to all the students.

That night, two of the squad leaders were back at the compound. I wasn’t surprised. They told us the news that another squad-mate would be leaving, but it was entirely by choice.

For many people, it was a rough week, and although I’ve felt the weight of each piece of news (good and bad), I can’t help but have an overwhelming sense of peace throughout it all.

If I’ve learned anything this week, it’s that the Holy will always get His way. Nothing surprises Him, although it may surprise you, and you can either surrender and partner with Him, or you can try to maintain control and drive yourself crazy.

One road leads to peace, and allows God to be glorified in you as He strengthens you, and the other robs you of peace as you try to scrape by on your own strength.