Last weekend (the 18th and 19th) we spent the days with our translators, Tafita and Fenosoa. They took us to the zoo, and to Fenosoa’s church located in the mountains. Also, on our last day at the school we got to teach Zumba…I guess that means we’re certified instructors now.

We wanted to see lemurs, and what we got was an opportunity for the zookeeper to smear honey on us and hand us over to a group hungry lemurs.

This also included lemur kisses. 

This was taken after church. We’re with both of our translators, and some of the church people who had prepared a traditional Malagasy meal for us (this included a green sauce made from crushed leaves).

I wasn’t exaggerating when I mentioned the church was in the mountains. This was our view on the way there.

I never thought I’d be leading second and third graders throughout a dance routine. I guess all those YMCA classes back home have come in handy.