The Lord has made it clear that I would be working with kids a lot during the World Race, and that this would be a really important area of the race for me. I love kids!

Their beautiful smiles melt my heart. We went to visit an orphanage on Saturday, where most of the kids have HIV or AIDS. That was hard to see. When I think of children that have thais specific virus, I always pictured them as physically different. But these kids were so healthy looking. They would run, jump, and play and laugh as normal children. Their smiles reminded me of my own niece.

We went to bring them snacks, and some cookies. We also were able to sit outside, on the front steps, and hang out with them. I saw a young girl who looked to be about 13-14 sitting, so I sat next to her, and her friends came to join us. 

One of them asked me to sing for them. I asked her what she wanted me to sing. She started whispering with her friends. And then I hear the words, “Adele” being whispered. So immediately, I starting off singing, “Helloooo, how are you?”
Claps, and sounds of appreciating are thrown into the air.

Literally, every person I have met on the race so far, including the boys at Khayalethu, love this song. It is so funny to me how far and wide music can reach.

While we were talking about music, I noticed how one of the girls, I wish I could remember how to pronounce her name, all I remember is that it started with an M, she kept going to take care of a very young girl, probably around the age of 2. So I asked her if this was her sister, she just smiled and shook her head no.
I figured that out of the goodness of her heart, she just wanted to help this young girl.

I may not remember her name. But I do remember how she loved to dance. And how her face lit up when music would come on, or we would begin to sing. I remember she told me she was 15, and she thought I was 19. I remember hugging her goodbye, and not being able to tell her that I will one day see her again.

When we got in the car, and we’re driving away, our ministry host, Pastor Lamaz was telling us how the girl I was talking to, was abused at age 11, and how the child she was taking care of, the one I asked if she was her sister, the child was her own from when she was abused. Meaning raped. 

My heart broke in that moment. I started praying, “Lord…I have not lived a life like the one these little ones have lived, or will live…how can I minister to these little ones? What can I do?” And My Heavenly Father, who is so good, brought to mind Matthew 19:14-Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these.

This verse, in that moment, reminded me of how I am here to love, shine His light, and allow Him to overflow from me, into the hearts and lives of others. It reminded me of how the Lord was always close to me as a child, a teenager, and now as an adult. And how I am not the one who saves, but He is the ones who saves. 

And when I heard the verse being repeated in my mind, I was filled with peace. I will always carry her face in my heart. And I will always carry her in prayer. That hour and a half I was able to spend with her, will always be a highlight and will always remind me of how God is good. And how He loves children, and how He has called ones, such as these, to be close to Him.

One of the reasons I have been so nervous about working with kids on the world race, is because of their stories. I have a tendency to want to save others. And I cannot. It takes more strength to trust the Lord with the lives of others, then to try and carry someone else’s story, or burden, on your own. 

My dad told me, before I said goodbye to him at the hotel, in Atlanta Georgia, he said, “Ariana, you are going to see some hard things. But always remember, that God is good. And He is sovereign.” These past two months, I have carried those words in my heart and soul.

My Father is so good. He loves these beautiful children. And even though I do not understand why things happen the way they do, what I do know is that He is good. And I can trust Him.

Thinking of the kids at this place break my heart. But friends, join with me, and pray for them, that the Lord blesses the people running this orphanage. Most of the kids are orphans, so let’s pray God ministers to them. Let us pray together, and see how He moves mightily for these little ones.

Thank you all so much for your prayers and words of encouragement. The Lord uses all of you to help me through this process. I am so grateful for the community He has blessed me with.

Blessings to all of you.
