For the past few weeks we’ve been living in the gypsy village of Viile Tecii, Romania, staying with the most amazing gypsy host family. Here’s a little look at our month here through pictures:
the best surprise of my life was getting to see chels at the airport and sit with her on the plane from dublin to bucharest. I’m sure you’ll notice the matching outfits which were unplanned and most likely happened because we’re best friends.
viile tecii, romaina. the little gypsy village we’ve been living in.
adi, my little gypsy brother.
oh hey fancy outhouse.
we love this lake in our village.
this is a pretty standard form of transportation.
This month I’ve been trying to live my life reminded by this:
“Every situation in life is about God wanting to give Himself to us. Right now, out lives could be good, bad or ugly, but we can be joyful knowing that God has designed our current circumstances to enable us to see a part of Him that we couldn’t see at any other time. The question we should never ask of God is, “why?’ The why question will never be answered on this earth because it’s the wrong question. The question we must ask is “what is this for?” We must see what Jesus wants to be for us in every situation.”
-Graham Cooke