Although I mentioned my team on my last post, I thought I would take the opportunity to officially introduce my new family-joholo. As a rule, it takes me a while to get to know people and feel comfortable around them. I don’t say much until I feel safe and it takes a while for people to earn my trust. I don’t think I’ve ever experienced a more instant bond with anyone in my life as I have with these 6 friends. As soon as we were put together on a team it’s like I threw all caution into the wind and opened my heart up in a way that I never do.

So this year, as you pray for me, pray for my new family as well. As Julia said and I won’t try to re-write in my own words, “These are my brothers and sisters who will see the best and worst of me. We will experience joy, pain, suffering, sadness together.” & as Grant said, “They will be my crutch in times I am hurting and I will be theirs as well. We are a community now serving God and God alone. If the enemy is battling one of us, the enemy is battling all of us. I ask you to continue praying for me and my personal journey, but I challenge you to pray for these individuals you might not ever meet. They are a part of me now and if these parts are infected, I become infected.” & as Drea said, “our journeys are now one.”
Haha, see, my team is so great that I can’t even create a blog post without quoting them…multiple times.
My family includes: Drea, Julia, Casey, Erin, Grant & David

So thanks to Grant & his great video editing skills, here’s the fam: