After 7 months on the race, I’ve learned to be pretty ok with dealing with change. I’ve lived in a different country every month, most times in more than one place in each country. So of course the second I feel pretty confident that I can deal with change and it can’t take me by surprise, God surprises me in a very unexpected way.

Last week it was announced that Andrea, from Team Fresh, was joining our team as our new team leader. While I was excited about that news because I haven’t had the chance to get to know Andrea so far on the race, I had an anxious feeling that I had to spend a while praying about. Almost instantly when praying I felt that God was calling me to take Andrea’s place on Team Fresh. After several days of fighting the idea that God might be calling me to leave my team that I love so much (which is something I never imagined I would do) I talked to the squad leaders about it and after praying they also felt like God was leading me to join Team Fresh. This is definitely a change led by God, in my own heart, in the hearts of the squad leaders and the members of team Sofia. It’s been awesome to see God confirm that this is what He wants through dreams and Scriptures and the people I love.
Although I hate the thought of leaving my team, I have such a peace about this change. I’m so thankful for all that God has taught me and blessed me with throughout the season that I was with Team Sofia. I’m excited for what is to come in this new season and I’m so excited to join such an amazing group of women for the rest of the year.
So…tonight I’ll be on an overnight bus to Tanzania to join my new team. 🙂