As christens we need to educate ourselves in the word of God! And take time out of our own day for GOD. Do you actually think that you will grow in the Lord and his great and glorious knowledge without searching him out on your own? I’m not saying don’t go to Church, Bible studies, or small groups. What I am saying is do NOT! Let that be the extent of your spiritual nourishment. If you are you will slowly start to quench the spirit of God in your life, you are becoming dependant on men to feed you. Although the men teaching and preaching may be great men of God, the same spirit that dwells in them dwells in YOU! If you are in Christ (1 cor 12:13) (Rom 8:9) The Lord wants to build you up both through sound doctrine, good teaching, fellowship AND! a personal Daly EXERCISING of the Holy Spirit that dwells in you. Everyone receives the Holy Spirit when they TRULY receive Jesus Christ, regardless of what you may have been taught. Through receiving God and his spirit we also obtain responsibility for our own Christen walk and the direction we are moving. You are ether growing or as slightly as it may be, fading but you are never standing still. I pray you seek the Lord daily and personally, that is ware true life is.(Amos 5:4)