Hey everyone, thank you so much for all of your questions. I think I’ve managed to cover all of them in 3 main categories, but if I missed your question, let me know! I’m happy to answer it in the comments of this post 🙂


  1. What does a typical day look like?

Here’s a rundown of our weekday schedule!

  • 7:30am: Wake up, get ready, health check

  • 8:00am: Breakfast with the squad!

  • 9:00am: Silent devotional time

  • 10:00am: Sessions! Sessions cover any and all topics from forgiveness & surrender to support raising & storytelling!

  • 12:00pm: Lunch time (my favorite meal of the day)

  • 1:00pm: Rotations! Rotations vary from day to day. We have set times for worship, showers, laundry, exercise, squad games, and cleaning. All other time can be used for one on one conversations, long naps, personal exercise, and A LOT of card games! (If anyone wanted to know, we’ve been playing Euchre, Speed, and Back Alley Bridge)

  • 5:30pm: Dinner time

  • 6:30pm: Team Time. Team time has a different focus every day of the week. It’s time devoted to growing closer in friendship with the 6-8 people in our small groups. Monday is Bible Study, Tuesday is fun, Wednesday is gratitude, Thursday is feedback, and Friday is our weekly debrief.

  • 7:30pm-10:30pm: free time! (Which can mean anything from blogging, to cards, to worship to movie nights, to going to bed early!)

That’s our day to day from Monday-Friday. 

Saturday and Sunday look a little different; we start our day a little bit later, and we have a lot more time devoted to group worship, and resting with God.

Mealtimes: Our meals function similarly to meal times at a summer camp. We are blessed with an amazing kitchen staff that cooks all 3 of our daily meals on campus!

Sleeping Arrangements: My squad is camping, and honestly? I LOVE it!!! It’s so nice to have my own little room to come back to at the end of the day. Our campsite is like our house. In that “house”, we all have our rooms (tents), and our hammocks function as the family room. 

  1. What do I miss?

Fortunately, not much! I do miss my bed and my family, but the growth I am experiencing here has continued to trump over any homesickness I’ve been feeling.

However,  if I could instantly transport one item to me, it would be a bottle of honey. I didn’t know it was possible to miss a food this much… 


  1. What am I learning?

Short answer? SO MUCH!! Long answer below 🙂

Devotions: My devotional time always brings me peace before I truly start my day, and it’s a practice I know I’ll be bringing home with me. I’ve found that studying scripture, writing out prayers, drawing psalms, and gratitude journaling are options that really work well for me. If you have questions about how I approach any of these, or suggestions of new devotional approaches to try, let me know!

Worship: A few times a week we will have devoted worship time as a squad, where our worship team will lead a few songs and lead us in prayer. It’s a truly special time to grow closer to God, and it’s been fun to learn a lot of new worship music! 

I have also fallen in love with the practice of worshipping on my own. No distractions, no other sound, just me and the Lord together devoting time and space to worship. 

Relationship: I’ll keep this section short, as I am planning a longer post on this topic in the future (keep your eyes peeled!). Every day that I am here, I learn something new about God’s character, and about my identity in his love. I know God is the ultimate provider, the impossible, the miraculous, the wonderful, the counselor, the loving Father, and so much more. In him I am free, beloved, and washed clean by grace. 

The truth of the Father is a beautiful truth to live.

Thank you all again for your questions and support. Let me know if you have further questions about anything I talked about in this post, or if I missed any of your questions from last time! Feel free to share this post wherever you can, and please keep praying for my squad and I!