I have loved reuniting with both the January and June World
Racers over the past three days for debrief.
It’s so fun to be back together with friends to share stories from the
last month.  Note about the picture:  I no longer try to keep my stuff packed…when I get to a place I unpack everything; even if it is only for a few days.

Our days are filled with
speakers, team meetings, good food, hang-out time, prayer, and worship. Answering question about our past three
months in Africa enabled me to process our time here. “When did you most feel fully alive?” My favorite part of Africa was Mozambique
when I was sewing clothes and working with orphans. I felt able to serve through my gifts and
loved finding my niche in those areas.
“What lesson will you take from Africa?”
From now on when I hear, “Orphans in Africa,” or “AIDS victim,” or
“Cyclone in Mozambique” I will no longer glance over the story or forget about
the problem. I now have a face to go
with those descriptions, so no longer are they abstract rather they are

Through this debrief, I have
been encouraged to finish strong in my last 3 ½ months of the World Race rather
than looking to home and my future. I
was also struck with the need to have right motives and intentions in our ministry. I don’t want to be serving just because it
will make a good blog, but out of a demonstration of the love of God.

Tomorrow we fly out for Bangkok, Thailand. I am so excited to be heading into Asia. Team LO will probably be joining Team Nessa in
Chang Mai, so I am relieved to no longer be the only girl on the team. It was okay for a week, but when I came to
debrief I was reminded of how much I need and am encouraged by my friendships
with the female World Racers. So this was definitely an answer to prayer. We are heading into hot and humid
weather. Our bodies are going to go into
shock, because the weather has been freezing here during the evenings. I think we will have a time difference of 5
or 6 hours. The change should not be too
bad, but it will definitely be an adjustment. We have about a 13 hour flight with a layover
in Hong Kong. I can’t wait for that
wonderful airplane food and the on board entertainment.